Ocean Legacy

Ocean Legacy.mp4.00_03_11_12.Still001.png

Over 6.5 million tonnes of garbage enter the oceans every year.

Since being founded in 2014, the Ocean Legacy Foundation has recovered over 52 tonnes of garbage from coastlines in the Pacific Northwest, enough to fill ten city buses to the brim. The heartbreaker is that’s only what they were able to recover—many items like styrofoam break apart in the ocean, creating thousands of pebble-sized pieces that are impossible to collect.


I had the pleasure of directing and editing this piece profiling Ocean Legacy’s commitment to saving the world’s coastlines through education and volunteer expeditions. Huge ups to Humberto Corte of Parlante Sound for the beautiful mix, Chloe Dubois for letting us tag along on the expedition, and Carla Ciccone for the laying the groundwork for this piece. You can join all of us below:

Film/TVMatthew Barrett